The Program
Building Better Bridges for Learning is a brain-based program, meaning that the student is NOT being taught the information related to the material, but rather, the brain is taught how to process and comprehend the information being taught. Students are taught how to develop their own personal "inner dialogue," enabling them to monitor their own thinking process. When used effectively, this ability to monitor their own thinking will enable students to become independent learners, problem solvers, and critical thinkers. In creating this inner dialogue, their brains are being trained how to locate, process, and decode words by teaching the brain to perceive words as pieces of information.
The idea of the program is to get the students to be able to externalize the newly developed "inner dialogue." This dialogue can then be examined and then reconstructed into a more efficient and effective monitor of their personal thinking process. Then, the student is then taught to internalize the new, more effective, “inner dialogue.” These three initial steps begin the process of transforming the brain into an active seeker of information. In the final stage of the process, they are taught how to transfer the newly learned strategies into practical applications as well as how to apply them in their daily assignments both in and out of school.
The idea of the program is to get the students to be able to externalize the newly developed "inner dialogue." This dialogue can then be examined and then reconstructed into a more efficient and effective monitor of their personal thinking process. Then, the student is then taught to internalize the new, more effective, “inner dialogue.” These three initial steps begin the process of transforming the brain into an active seeker of information. In the final stage of the process, they are taught how to transfer the newly learned strategies into practical applications as well as how to apply them in their daily assignments both in and out of school.
Walk Through the Program!
Start Here --> Training the Brain